Location Change! March 21st Meetup

Hello everyone!

Due to some schedule conflicts which we hadn’t anticipated, we will not be able to meet at SEO.com tonight. However, Jim’s Family Restaurant has graciously offered for us to meet in their meeting room free of charge. They do have WiFi available, so feel free to bring a laptop (but don’t spill any delicious food or drink on it!).

Address: 1728 West Park Avenue (about 12800 S. Redwood Rd.), Riverton, UT 84065 (just north of Bluffdale where we usually meet)

George Ortiz of PressTrends will be presenting about how WordPress themes (and plugins, etc.) are used by giving an overview of their PressTrends analytics software. Rather than focusing on visitors, PressTrends focuses on how users interact with plugins and themes, giving developers greater insight to how effective their designs, UI, etc. are.

Although Jim’s is offering this to us at no charge, I would encourage everyone to order if possible to support them for helping us out last minute.

See you there!

WP Meetup Gets Collaborative!

We decided to switch it up a bit and go with a different format this month. We’re going to have a short ice-breaker presentation, then we’re going to work together to plan and set up the foundation for the utahwp.com community site.

We’ll dive into site architecture, some of the CMS capabilities of WordPress, and probably dabble in BuddyPress.

Bring your laptop with you and your thinking cap. We’ll essentially build a WordPress site from the ground up, and this is no dummy site… it’s a real site with a real purpose. It should be fun, informative, and you’ll meet some people in the local WordPress user community. :)

We will have extension cables and power strips on hand in case we need them. We’ll also have a projector and whiteboard(s) if needed.

This meetup is designed for intermediate to advanced WordPress users (not necessarily just developers– designers and general users have a LOT to contribute, especially to a site designed for them).

Remember our meetup is tomorrow 7 pm at…

Remember our meetup is tomorrow, 7 pm at SEO.com (the office, not the web address…). :)

AJ Wilcox will be presenting some SEO tips for WordPress (how to, what to do/not do, etc.), and I’ll be covering our beginner topic at the start, talking about pages and posts this week. Light refreshments provided… invite your friends for a great evening!

Here’s a map to SEO.com if you need it: http://g.co/maps/gcpbj

If you aren’t receiving our email updates on meetups, enter your email in the bottom form to the right, and you’ll be added to the list.

Next Meetup! October 15th

Our next meetup will be October 15 (this coming Saturday) at 10 AM.

Adam Dunford is presenting on WordPress as a CMS with emphasis on custom post types and taxonomies. Come meet up with other WordPress developers, users, bloggers, and business owners!

After Adam’s presentation, we’ll have some time for open discussion and/or ad hoc presentations on topics the group would like as well as networking.

This group is for anyone who wants to learn more about WordPress and would like to meet other people who enjoy using WordPress (developers, newbies, users, etc.).

7090 Union Park Ave #650
Midvale UT 84047

Map: http://goo.gl/maps/4myh